Welcome Divine Soul!
I believe there is no accident that you have found yourself on my website. My hopes are that you find exactly what you need here.
Wherever you are on your journey, may you receive peace for your mind, love for your body, and strength for your soul.
I facilitated my first women's group in Jan. 2019… Months before that it was like I was burned at the stake from an event I was a collaborator in. All my childhood wounds felt like they were thrown on a table and set to bake in the sun, blistering, and oozing out for all to see.
And in that same space, I found a spiritual development school that gave me a foundation to stand on and embody my truest self.
The unraveling I endured was necessary, almost like a disinfecting in order for me to have the space and capacity to dive deeper into my business + my true spirit self. To FEEL and Experience what I did so that I could have preparation for the tumultuous path of entrepreneurship.
The other day I had a realization that the events that occurred just months before I got pregnant had a VERY similar flavor to the occurrences before the first women’s group I led.
An Undoing.
A Clearing.
A Striped Nakedness.
A Death to what I thought was my identity.
Cleansing that which was not in alignment to bring forward into my motherhood stage of life.
Truly, the exact same thing happened, in an eerily identical way.
8 months postpartum and I am seeing much of what I thought I “healed” has been displayed out again, for the poking and prying and cooking by any onlookers.
But of course, in truth, I know we never fully heal anything… that is not what having a human experience is… if I healed everything I would not here. It was my Spirit’s choice to incarnate during this lifetime and have these occurrences. I know that in each stage of life things that have been “worked on” will emerge again with new flavors because I have a new set of eyes that can look at it, massage it, and nurture it differently.
The conversation I had with God just a few months before I got pregnant was along these lines:
If I am ready for the spiritual growth of being a mother and guiding a child in this life,
I trust that you will have me get pregnant and you will guide and support me throughout
the journey.
Well… let me tell you something… I remembered this conversation through pregnancy.. I felt like I was very graceful with myself in how horrific the journey actually felt haha…. Having morning sickness all the way to the end is not for the weak spirited! I also was so prepared for birth that my midwife and nurse were shocked that it was my first time, I pushed for about 14 mins with no interventions. If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant and want to know how I got so prepared to reach out.
I also intellectually remembered this conversation in the first several months of motherhood, however the textures and edges that those first months brought really only made it possible for me to just go through the motions. I remember a voice in my head trying to shame me when I had “downtime” for not meditating, not doing breathwork, for scrolling through tiktok, for not journaling…. HA HA because of the work I had done it was more or less easy to know that voice was NOT TRUTH.
Here's the thing about those first few months, it is such a shock to the system that you must give it time to calibrate. ALSO during those first few months I was really only needing to operate by pouring into my daughter + healing my body + letting my body and spirit catch up to this vastly new life and sleeping schedule.
Now, Almost 9 Months Postpartum, What I have remembered
Starting a business is very similar to entering parenthood… go easy on yourself + receive aligned guidance when you are ready.
I have the power to make a room shine or burn
When I am ready, I will.
I am never not supported by God
I can choose to plug into programs of scarcity, chaos, lack, suffering… or I can choose to plug into something different
No matter how much work or healing I have done, the stickiest healing work will always surround the lineage of my upbringing, and it will present itself in many different forms in order for me to do the work and smooth the edges more, but the likelihood of those ever “going away” in my lifetime are rare, so I may as well buckle up and keep my arms and legs inside for the ride!
There is no “good” or “bad”, there are only programs or systems that have different flavors and textures, I have free will to choose my programs, but my Spirit has a blueprint of what is true and aligned. In this lifetime I get to play with it all and attune to my blueprint as I am reminded of it and it unfolds before me.
Is Your Inner Child In The Driver Seat?
When you are triggered, typically the reason you are trigger is because your inner child is driving.
The inner child has deep rooted memories embedded in your emotional body at a cellular level. It remembers times that were real threats to its survival and uses them in real time to “survive”.
So when you get triggered those memories are pulled up.
For instance, your partner bringing up something that is upsetting them can feel very threatening and triggering if you as a child were criticized and blamed for things that were out of your control.
This is just one simple example.
Some important things to remember when this happens is
Give yourself GRACE
Hold deep Compassion for the part of you that is triggered
Observe and notice that you are being triggered
Express and share (if you are in a safe space to)
Connect with your body to bring you into the present moment
One way to help strengthen the muscle of the part of you that is empowered and observing during triggers is to practice!
In Episode of Channeled Chat podcast I discuss the power of Inner Child Creativity and how creativity is an excellent portal to inner child healing and personal empowerment. A great practice to help yourself be empowered when you are triggered.
To Tune Into the Episode find Channeled Chat wherever you get your podcast.
Do you have any topics requests for August Channeled Chat? Reply to this email and let me know what you are currently growing through or navigating on your spiritual journey.
Join a Channeled Chat LIVE Experience
Receive direct 1:1 support, healing, guidance, and a community of spiritual beings.
This week you are guided to stop sleeping on yourself.
To no longer be a victim of your life and rather be an active participant.
How can you set yourself up this week, the beginning of a new month, so that you are in a better space at the end of the month. (Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritual etc)
Maybe it’s setting clearer intentions.
Maybe it’s going for a walk mid day.
Maybe it’s bringing more play into your life.
Maybe it’s having go to affirmations for when your mind goes into fear based thinking.
Only you know what you need... and this week you are being asked to take action on your life.
What have I been holding back doing?
What is something I can do this week to help me be in a better space at the end of the month?
Have I set clear intentions this month?
Wednesday 3/3
Channeled Chat 1 pm (new time)
Instagram Live
Friday 3/5
Guided Healing 5:15 pm
On Insight Timer App
Saturday 3/13 4:30pm
New Moon Circle
Attend The New Moon Circle
You may tune into my IGTV to receive the LIVE message
When I looked up the definition of Surrender, I was not surprised…
In my opinion, it is a very energetically intense definition… with little space for what the actual experience is... which I think is why so many of us have a challenge with the act of surrendering.
The first Google definition that pops up is
“cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority.”
Which implies that to surrender means you are giving in to an “enemy” or “opponent” specifically to their “authority” or dominance.
Like F*CK… that is intense! Who wants to do that! I know my stubborn strong willed BADASS GODDESS DIDN’T! HAHA
Surrendering is actually more like putting aside your own agenda, your ego, your plan and being with the divine flow.
NOT the authority or dominance… and not to an enemy or opponent. The Divine Flow is 100% in partnership with YOUR highest good… think of it like a fairy godmother energy :).
When we are not in surrender we are letting our Ego or Personality drive the car… which creates a tight grasp and attachment to things and outcomes… which can lead to having TUNNEL VISION because we are unable to see the bigger picture.
Imagine you want some pickles out of the jar but you want all the pickles RIGHT NOW you can’t get them all out at once and you can’t get your hand out either….. and wont let go because you WANT ALL THE PICKLES….
This is your ego thinking YOU MUST HAVE ALL THE PICKLES….The act of surrendering is merely softening your grasp and taking one at a time. Trusting that there is a reason you are not meant to have them all at the same time.
In real life you might have such a tight grasp on a job “eventually” working out or a belief that all men are evil/liars and that’s why you can’t find a nice husband that you end up forcing yourself to only see what you are holding on to so tightly rather than the truth…
And the Truth is only visible to those who surrender their attachments, soften their grasps and move into a zoomed out perspective and a union with a divine flow.
So Divine One…
If you are reading this your spirit is guiding you to practice surrendering this week….
How can you soften your tummy muscles a bit (where the ego energy lives aka the solar plexus)?
What is one thing each day that will invite in the essence of surrender (AND TRUST)?
Here are some ideas:
Listen to either of these song laying flat on the floor with your eyes shut… just breath and let the words wash over you.
“I surrender to the divine flow and trust in divine timing”
“When I surrender I make room for infinite possibilities”
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Hello Divine One !
I want to thank you for being apart of my community. This year showed some challenges and some amazing healing. Those of you that attended my live meditations, moon circles, Goddess On Purpose, and Reignite Your Spirit know first hand what transformation has occurred.
I want to gift you my upgraded Year At A Glance Workbook which also includes a 2021 visioning exercise
Here is a clip from a virtual conference I spoke at. I shared one pillar, Peace for Your Mind, of my three (Peace for Your Mind, Love for Your Body, Strength for Your Soul)
Running, mind keeps running.
Away from having to be in one place.
Towards something it believes will be great.
But why can’t right now be the gate?
The heart and soul wonder…
"Can the mind take the bait?"
Appreciate what this moment now has in fate!
Slow down mind,
It can wait.
Trust, it will all come at the right time, and in the right place.
Your mental health is important for you to be in the right vibrational state.
Remember Mind, your Heart and your Soul are here to support you,
So that you may bloom and continue to create.
As I officially shift into honoring my spiritual and self development and expansion business, I am now offering my poetry and healing artwork in a whole new way!
I submitted this poem above to @littleinfinitepoetry ! The theme is "Mental Health"... If you are so inclined to vote, HERE is the link (contest ends 7/31/2020)… I will win an opportunity to be featured on their page and some more awesome goodies! Thanks for your support :)
“Mind Bait” poem was channeled to me in November 2018. I updated it a bit, but the theme is the same. When I originally wrote it my mind was on overdrive! Not sure what I was doing, feeling I had to do it all now and wanting to achieve everything now. It was very challenging to sit in one place. To even trust my heart or know what was true for my spirit. This was around the same time I found the spiritual community at the Foundation For Spiritual Development. So grateful! And so cool to see how far I have come in a year and a half... yay growth!
This poem hits home for me every once in a while when I need a reminder to connect with my heart and soul. One of my favorite things about my channeled poetry is that it comes back around at different points on my journey. It is a poem featured in my self development poetry book “Be Me”: poems and prompts to help you live your true version of your me” (releasing TBD).
May it connect with you however it needs to too.
And thank you for your support if you are inclined to vote!
Peace, Love, Strength, for your Mind, Body, Soul
xo Carolyn