Socializing Your Soul 16''x12''

Socializing Your Soul 16''x12''


Socializing your soul is designed to facilitate the connection of your masculine and your feminine to your higher self and spirit. This painting will support this fluidity and balance of the yin/feminine and yang/masculine energies that reside within your being. As you flow into this, you will be more inclined and connected to your higher self and to higher sources of awareness. Just as Metatron is an archangel who has inhabited the human physical form and resides now as an angel, you may tap into Metatron’s guidance and support offered for the in between dance of connecting the physical and spirit.


Original Acrylic painting on canvas.
Dimensions: 36’’x12’’

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Original Acrylic painting on canvas.
Dimensions: 16’’x12’’

Socializing your soul is designed to facilitate the connection of your masculine and your feminine to your higher self and spirit. This painting will support this fluidity and balance of the yin/feminine and yang/masculine energies that reside within your being. As you flow into this, you will be more inclined and connected to your higher self and to higher sources of awareness. Just as Metatron is an archangel who has inhabited the human physical form and resides now as an angel (more), you may tap into Metatrons guidance and support offered for the in between dance of connecting the physical and spirit.


Sit with your painting. 

Allow the strokes of deep purple, gold, and midnight blue to invoke a dance between your masculine and feminine parts. Allow these parts to move together as one, each holding and possessing the alignment for whatever challenge or situation you may be in. 

Come to this painting when you are in need of realignment. Of reconnection. Of a socialization of your physical being and your spirit. Allow your soul to socialize and play with both realms to receive the highest alignment of messages and knowing for you to step into your new balanced and aligned self.